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Morgan Spurlock's Super Size Me: A Dietary Experiment


In 2004, documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock embarked on a controversial experiment for his film "Super Size Me." For 30 days, Spurlock consumed nothing but McDonald's fast food.

Spurlock's Motivation

Spurlock's primary motivation was to expose the negative health effects of fast food consumption. He believed that the documentary would shine a light on the dangers of unhealthy eating and its impact on public health.

Documentary Impact

"Super Size Me" received widespread attention and criticism. It raised awareness about the harmful ingredients and excessive calorie content found in fast food. Spurlock's experiment also sparked a debate about corporate responsibility and the role of government in regulating the food industry.

Spurlock's Net Worth

As of January 2023, Morgan Spurlock's net worth is estimated to be US$5 million. His wealth stems from his success as a documentary filmmaker, author, and television personality. Spurlock has used his platform to advocate for transparency in the media and to promote healthy eating habits.
